The Hunter and the Reaver in the 13th Age

Civilization has plenty of near Icons in the Warlord, the Master Wizard, the Kingslayer and the Guildmaster, but the regions on the edge of the empire have plenty of immensely powerful beings who, while not quite world influencing yet, are exceptionally dangerous and need to be reckoned with. The Hunter is a tracker extraordinaire, picking their prey carefully and ending its life, while the Reaver stands at the head of a horde of wild warriors carving through all enemies. Either may be aligned with or against the Orc Lord and the High Druid, but neither is very trusted by the empire and its leaders.

This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my public material early, as well as a spot on the Paper and Dice Discord server, consider backing me there!

An unseen presence in the woods suddenly strikes, drawing blood and ending life in a series of precisely targeted arrows. No matter how prepared you are, you will never see the Hunter coming.
Double Strength 10th level archer [humanoid] 
Initiative: +17
Cunning Strike +15 vs. AC (3 attacks) – 30 damage
Natural Even Hit: The target also takes 10 ongoing damage.
Natural Odd Hit: The hunter can pop free from the target at any point before the end of its turn.
Miss: The hunter expands the crit range of its next attack against the target by an amount equal to the escalation die.
R: Hunter’s Bow +17 vs. AC (one nearby or far away enemy) – 35 damage
First Natural 11+: The hunter can make a second Hunter’s Bow attack as a free action with -2 Atk.
Second Natural 11+: The hunter can make a third Hunter’s Bow attack as a free action with -4 Atk.
Third Natural 11+: The hunter can make a fourth Hunter’s Bow attack as a free action with -6 Atk.
Escalating Hunt: The hunter chooses one enemy as its prey at the start of the battle. The crit range of attacks by the hunter against the target expand by the escalation die. The hunter must choose a new prey when its current prey reaches 0 hp or somehow leaves the battle. It cannot choose a creature that was already its prey this battle.
Hunter’s Guise: The hunter is invisible at the start of the battle until it takes an action.
AC 25 PD 23 MD 23 HP 400

A thousand battles, a thousand personal victories. The Reaver fears no person or beast in the world, and is preparing for the day they challenge and cut down an Icon to claim their position.
Double Strength 12th level troop [humanoid] 
Initiative: +17
Ancestral Greataxe +18 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 80 damage
Dual Hit: If both greataxe attacks hit the same target during the same turn, the target also takes 50 ongoing damage.
Critical Hit: The reaver can add the escalation die to its attacks until the end of its next turn.
Miss: The reaver gains a stacking +5 bonus to damage with ancestral greataxe until it hits.
R: Thrown Handaxe +17 vs. AC (one nearby enemy, or a far away enemy at -2 atk) – 60 damage
Natural 12+: The reaver can make a second thrown handaxe attack this turn as a free action.
Natural 18+: Instead of a thrown handaxe attack, the reaver may move and make an ancestral greataxe attack.
Intimidating Cleave: Whenever the reaver’s drops an enemy to 0 hp or below with a melee attack, it can make an ancestral greataxe attack against an engaged enemy as a free action. If the attack hits, all nearby enemies lose the benefit of the escalation die until the end of their next turn.
No Escape: 1/round, as an interrupt, when an enemy disengages from the reaver (whether it does so with the disengage action or just walking away and accepting the opportunity attack), the reaver can roll a saving throw. On a success, the reaver pops free from all enemies and moves to engage with that enemy as a free action.
Rage: The reaver has resist damage 12+ until it is staggered.
AC 25 PD 26 MD 20 HP 864

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