Chupacabra and Giant Cockroach

Chupacabra are both rare and incredibly stealthy, creating a situation where even in a world of magic and monsters many don’t believe in their existence. Their tendency to target lone travellers and farm animals (particularly goats, who seem to be a favorite) and leave behind blood drained husks will sometimes lead to rumors of a vampire where one hunts, as the legendary undead are more well known than these simple monsters.

They look like a roughly bipedal lizard, averaging about four feet in height with a hunched stance. They can live for centuries, mating rarely during that time and producing a single egg. Over that time they continue to grow, some reaching up to 5 or even 6 feet in height. Rarely, a chupacabra is born with a set of wings, a mutation that seems to carry through their bloodlines even if it’s not often expressed.

A 13th Age stat block for the chupacabra. The text is available below this picture.

Double-strength 2nd level spoiler [beast] 
Initiative: +7
Claws and Bite +7 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 5 damage.
Dual Hit: If both attacks hit the same enemy during the same turn, the chupacabra can grab the target. When the chupacabra starts its turn grabbing an enemy, it can make a chupar attack against that target as a standard action that turn.
[Special Trigger] Chupar +7 vs. PD – 8 damage and the target is weakened (save ends). The chupacabra gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls, a +4 bonus to damage, and a +5 bonus to disengage checks until the end of the battle.
AC 19 PD 16 MD 13 HP 62
Nastier Specials 

The cockroach entry in the Bestiary 2 provided me some conflict. I generally make conversion stat blocks for most creatures even if they’re not super unique, as there’s usually something interesting to be drawn from each one. But while I could find some distinctions between the giant cockroach and the giant ant (a different spread of defenses and HP, as well as the scurry and flight abilities), I really just didn’t have any ideas to separate the cockroach swarm from the swarm of bats. So in the end, I just left it there. If you want a swarm of cockroaches, just use some bats (available in the bestiary or the online SRD) and reflavor it a little.

A 13th Age stat block for the giant cockroach. the text is available below this picture.

Giant Cockroach 
0 level mook [beast] 
Initiative: +4
Bite +5 vs. AC – 3 damage.
Clumsy Flight: The giant cockroach can fly, but it must end its movement on a surface. If it ends its turn flying, it falls to the ground and takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
Scurry: When a giant cockroach is targeted by a melee attack, after the attack is resolved it and 1d4 nearby giant cockroach mooks can pop free from any enemies they’re engaged with and move to a nearby location as a free action.
Wall Climber.
AC 15 PD 14 MD 9 HP 7 (mook)
Mook: Kill 1 giant cockroach mook for every 7 damage you deal to the mob.

Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!

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