Dinosaurs in the Dragon Empire

This update is a bit special. We reached the spinosaurus in the Tome of Beasts, but Pathfinder already has a spinosaurs (even if it hasn’t technically been updated to the remaster, I’m pretty sure the only difference between the actual stat blocks will be the removal of the alignment tag). Meanwhile, 13th Age doesn’t actually have any native dinosaurs, so I figured once I got here that I could just provide you with a bunch of “standard” dinosaurs to fill in.

Dinosaurs aren’t a regular feature within the Dragon Empire. They are primeval creatures, that should have gone extinct Ages ago, possibly even before the first Age. They aren’t in line with humanoids or any creatures of the modern era, existing only in the past and in hidden areas of the world that may as well be the past. You’ll only find them through powerful magic portals through time, or in the most isolated and hidden areas of the world, where they somehow have survived the many ages and the complete changing of the world around them. Rumors hold that some giants have found their way to these areas of the world, fighting and taming these massive creatures and creating a new primeval era.


These small pack hunters have manes of feathery plumage extended down their back and along their limbs, helping them blend into natural environments and puffing up to obscure the creature’s size when it is threatened. They leap upon their prey with long, sharp claws on their legs, tearing great gashes and darting away to let other members of the pack strike. They can bring down far larger creatures with these tactics, making them quite deadly despite being only about 1.5 feet tall.

A 13th Age stat block for the velociraptor. The text is available below this picture.

1st level wrecker [beast] 
Initiative: +5
Talons +5 vs. AC – 3 damage.
Natural 16+: 2 ongoing damage.
Leaping Charge: This attack instead deals 6 damage on a hit if the velociraptor first moves before attacking an enemy it wasn’t engaged with at the start of its turn.
Pack Attack: The velociraptor gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage for each other velociraptor engaged with the target (max +4 bonus)
AC 16 PD 15 MD 11 HP 24


Larger and even more dangerous than their velociraptor relatives, deinonychus also hunt in packs and use talons on their hind legs to bring down prey. They stand closer to 6 feet tall, more upright than the velociraptor, and also have both feathers and scales. Their forelimbs aren’t used for combat, but are strong enough to hold food or pull aside small obstacles.

A 13th Age stat block for the deinonycus. The text is available below this picture.

2nd level troop [beast] 
Initiative: +5
Talon +7 vs. AC – 5 damage.
Natural Even Hit: 3 ongoing damage.
Natural Even Hit or Miss: The deinonychus can pop free from the target.
Predator’s Advantage: The deinonychus gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against targets taking ongoing damage.
AC 18 PD 15 MD 12 HP 36


Hadrosaurid covers a broad group of dinosaurs, a family of massive herbivores. They have a variety of different crests on their head, different species carrying different styles and shapes. While they rival elephants in size, they are far less aggressive, using their great size as defense and trying to avoid dangerous predators whenever possible. While smaller raptors like deinonychus can bring down young hadrosaurid or even an isolated adult, a whole herd represents far too much of a hassle, and the herd can crush over and trample most smaller enemies, even if just by accident while trying to escape.

A 13th Age stat block for the hadrosaurid. The text is available below this picture.

Huge 4th level mook [beast] 
Initiative: +6
Trample +9 vs. PD – 8 damage.
Natural Even Hit: As a free action, the hadrosaurid can move and make another trample attack against a different nearby enemy (it will take opportunity attacks for moving).
AC 20 PD 18 MD 14 HP 40 (mook)
Mook: Kill one hadrosaurid mook for every 40 damage you deal to the mob.


Squat and heavily armored, ankylosaurus are incredibly defensive herbivores. Unlike hadrosaurs, they are far more aggressive and ill tempered, prone to lash out at trespassers with their tail, tipped with a heavy bone club that can smash smaller creatures to paste. Their hide often has bony spikes along the edges as well that ward off larger attackers, making them a pain to bring down from any direction, so most leave these tanks be.

A 13th Age stat block for the ankylosaurus. The text is available below this picture.

Huge 4th level troop [beast] 
Initiative: +5
Sweeping Tail +7 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies) – 22 damage.
Natural 16+: The target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
AC 23 PD 18 MD 14 HP 160


The three horns that are positioned on the triceratops’ head make for an incredible self-defense weapon, able to seriously injure large foes and impale smaller ones clear through. While they mostly fight to defend themselves or to establish dominance and territory, they can be terribly stubborn and poor at recognizing when they need to defend themselves. Even small intruders will often prompt an aggressive defense, so humanoids stumbling into their territory may be charged by the massive creature. In those areas where humanoids or giants have lived among dinosaurs for some time, triceratops are often a target for domestication, as their large, armored frills create an additional defense for the rider.

A 13th Age stat block for the triceratops. The text is available below this picture.

Huge 6th level wrecker [beast] 
Initiative: +8
Triple Horns +10 vs. AC – 30 damage.
Furious Charge: This attack instead deals 60 damage on a hit if the triceratops first moves before attacking an enemy it was not engaged with at the start of its turn.
AC 22 PD 20 MD 15 HP 260
Nastier Specials 
Frill Defense: 1/round, as an interrupt action when the triceratop’s rider is targeted by an attack, the triceratops can give its rider a +2 bonus to AC against that attack.
Mount: The triceratops can have one Large or up to four Medium or smaller creatures as its riders. One rider must be designated as its guide. Each round the triceratops can choose to act on its own turn or its guide’s turn.


Sometimes known as the king of dinosaurs (despite not necessarily being the largest or strongest), tyrannosaurs are massive predators. While they will scavenge for food whenever available, they are not afraid to use their great size and deadly armament of natural weapons to bring down their own food, sometimes even going toe-to-toe with ankylosauruses or triceratops. Against smaller prey they may simply crush it underfoot and pull off chunks, or grasp it in their jaws and throw it into the air to die upon impact with the ground.

A 13th Age stat block for the tyrannosaurus. The text is available below this picture.

Huge 7th level wrecker [beast] 
Initiative: +9
Crushing Jaws +12 vs. PD – 50 damage.
Natural Even Hit: The tyrannosaurus can grab the target. It can carry the grabbed enemy with it as it moves. If the tyrannosaurus starts its turn grabbing an enemy, it can make a fling attack as a quick action.
[Special Trigger] R: Fling +12 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) – 20 damage.
Effect: The grabbed creature pops free from the tyrannosaurus and is thrown, landing next to the target and taking 20 damage.
Special: This attack doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from grabbed enemies.
Trample: Whenever the tyrannosaurus moves, it can make a stomp attack against each creature it engages during that movement.
[Special Trigger] Stomp +12 vs. PD – 20 damage.
Natural 14+: The target is also grabbed by the tyrannosaurus. This grab ends if the tyrannosaurus moves.
AC 23 PD 22 MD 16 HP 316


Even larger than the fearsome tyrannosaurus, spinosaurus takes to the water to hunt. With a massive sail upon its back to help dissipate heat and intimidate rivals, it is very adept at catching the large fish and sharks of the prehistoric waters it trawls. This doesn’t prevent it from occasionally hunting on shore as well, particularly if easy to catch prey stumbles within reach, but they rarely can be bothered to confront larger foes unless defending themselves or their nests. Even many dragons will hesitate to confront a spinosaurus though, as these great dinosaurs can reach nearly 60 feet in length.

A 13th Age stat block for the spinosaurus. The text is available below this picture.

Huge 8th level troop [beast] 
Initiative: +9
Massive Jaws +13 vs. PD – 55 damage.
Natural Even Hit: The spinosaurus can grab the target. It can carry the grabbed enemy with it as it moves.
Claws +13 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 20 damage.
Tail Sweep +13 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies; can’t target a grabbed enemy) – 35 damage.
Natural Even Hit: The tyrannosaurus can grab the target. It can carry the grabbed enemy with it as it moves.
Bite and Slash and Sweep: The spinosaurus can make two attacks as a standard action; it can’t make the same attack twice on the same turn.
Swimmer: The spinosaurus is a strong swimmer, though it can’t breath underwater.
AC 23 PD 22 MD 18 HP 440

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