Gray Renders and Gricks

Gray renders are hulking, bipedal creatures that primarily dwell in swamp lands. With hairless skin and multiple yellow eyes, they are unnerving to many humanoids, but are mostly not malicious. They will avoid settlements and people, usually only attacking in self defense, but on occasion a gray render will develop a deep (and often one sided) bond with an individual or group. What prompts this is unknown, but the render will remain as close to its bonded ward as it can, watching over herds of animals, small settlements, or a single person. It will attempt to provide food, though as an obligate carnivore its ward may not appreciate the corpses and raw meat it brings, and will act in defense of its ward against any threat. Outside of magic, nothing can force the render to attack its ward, and it will retreat if attacked by its ward, only to return later. These bonds can last for a few months, or carry on for a decade, and the wards usually get used to the render’s presence after a time, before it eventually leaves and ignores its former favorite.

A 13th Age stat block for the gray render. The text is available below this picture.

Gray Render
Large 5th level blocker [beast]
Initiative: +8
Claw +10 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 15 damage.
Dual Hits: If both claws hit during the same turn, the grey render can make a rend attack against one target it hit earlier in the turn.
[Special Trigger] Rend +10 vs. PD – 10 ongoing damage.
Protective Instinct: The gray render selects one creature to be its ward. Whenever an enemy moves to engage the ward and the gray render is nearby, it can pop free from any enemies and intercept that enemy. If an enemy attacks the ward the gray render gains a +5 bonus to damage against that enemy until the end of the battle.
AC 20 PD 19 MD 14 HP 170

Gricks are large, aberrant worms that dwell primarily in the Underworld. They are ambush predators, using their dark coloration to hide on cave walls and ceilings before descending upon passing prey. With a quartet of tentacles surrounding their sharp beak, they attempt to grasp and drag in prey to rip apart. Gricks prefer to graze upon their meal, and if they get a successful kill they will retreat with their prize, storing it in a tight tunnel or high ledge to eat bite by bite. Multiple gricks will hunt together, but don’t actually coordinate their attacks or share meals, instead going after different targets when possible and retreating from the fight with food if one gets a kill, leaving the others to finish the battle.

A 13th Age stat block for the grick. The text is available below this picture.

2nd level blocker [aberration]
Initiative: +4
Tentacles +7 vs. PD – 4 damage.
Natural Even Hit: The grick can make a nasty beak attack against the same target as a free action.
Nasty Beak +9 vs. AC – 5 damage
Grasping Tentacles: If the grick hits an enemy with an opportunity attack, that enemy is stuck until the end of its turn.
Wall Crawler.
Resist Weapon Damage 13+.
AC 18 PD 17 MD 12 HP 32

Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!

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